
Anse du Petit Bas-Vent
Anchorage in Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe

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1 Reviews on “Anse du Petit Bas-Vent”

Overall rating
  • Jango Listing Owner

    Anse du Petit Bas-Vent, located near Deshaies, offers a beautiful anchorage option. However, it’s important to note that swells can sometimes make conditions less ideal, so check weather patterns if you plan to stay overnight. The anchorage area is relatively straightforward, but be cautious of rocks closer to shore. The nearby Langley Resort Fort Royal provides some conveniences and a bit of local color if you’re up for a walk, adding the option of shore amenities and a restaurant. Local flora frames the beach beautifully, and you’ll often find beachgoers enjoying the tranquility of the the place.

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