Your details

Listing details

Select the category of the listing:


+ Show up on the map and surrounding ports & anchorages

+ Unlock technical fields and upload your marketing material

+ Link your website & social medias

+ Reply to reviews and embed your score for your website

+ Display a direct call button everywhere your listing show up

( World map, country, region or island page, articles, nearby ports & anchorages )

10€/month and no commission since 2020!

Maximum exposure, Blue.Press receives thousands of sailors monthly

Don’t forget that your subscription also enables us to further promote your whole region, including activities ashore and local events around you.

100% Guaranteed! If Blue.Press does not produce results for you, we will keep your page up for free until it does!


🔒 Port data

( Can serve to filter search results )

🔓 Office hours

Let visitors and search engines know.

🔓 Website

🔓 Social medias


Port services

( Can serve to filter search results )


( Can serve to filter search results )

🔓 Add up to 10 photos

Add up to 10 photos

Drop your photos


Allowed file types: .jpg, .jpe, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .ico, .webp, .avif
(You can upload unlimited files with this package)
They will show up in the gallery

🔓 Introduction video

Introduction video

Click the arrow to geolocate yourself, or move the marker to the location

Click on above field and type to filter list.
Click on above field and type to filter list or add a new region.
Click on above field and type to filter list or add a new city.
Move the map marker to automatically fill the address fields:
Please enter latitude for google map perfection. eg. : 39.955823048131286
Please enter longitude for google map perfection. eg. : -75.14408111572266