550 sailors online

Hanga Roa

Isla de Pascua (Hanga Piko)
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The native Chonos and Kawésqar people, expertly navigated the treacherous waters of the Patagonian fjords long before European explorers arrived. These seafaring communities crafted hardy canoes, known as dalcas, from wood and bark, allowing them to thrive in one of the world’s most rugged maritime environments. See Chile sailing guide to learn more. In 1520, Ferdinand Magellan's expedition became the first to sail through this natural maritime corridor at the southern tip of South America. The strait’s discovery revolutionized global trade routes, offering a new passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The fjords and glaciers of Patagonia create a dramatic backdrop, and the port of Punta Arenas, a gateway to the Antarctic, buzzes with stories of explorers and researchers heading to the frozen continent.