437 sailors online

Prince Rupert Bay

Prince Rupert Bay

Anchorage in Dominica

15, -61
Page maintained by the community


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Dominica is often referred to as the “Nature Isle of the Caribbean”. Head over to our Dominica sailing guide to know more. The Kalinago people, the island’s indigenous inhabitants, were adept seafarers long before Columbus arrived. Their hand-crafted canoes, carved from single tree trunks, were perfect for navigating the island’s rugged coastline and treacherous waters. Visitors today can still witness the craftsmanship of these traditional canoes and gain insight into the island’s pre-colonial maritime heritage. The deep waters off the island’s coast are also a favoured habitat for sperm whales, making it one of the best places in the world for whale watching. The sight of a whale breaching the surface, with the dramatic backdrop of Dominica’s mountains, draws nature lovers from all around the globe.