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Crique du Castellu

Crique du Castellu

Anchorage in France

42, 8.6667
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The ancient port city of Marseille, founded by Greek sailors around 600 BC, is steeped in history. It served as a crucial link between Europe and the Mediterranean world, fostering trade, cultural exchange, and maritime innovation. The Vieux-Port still echoes the vibrant maritime activity that has characterized the city for over two millennia. See our France sailing guide to know more. On the atlantic side, the port city of La Rochelle was the center for shipbuilding and trade during the 17th century, where some of the most robust vessels were crafted, setting sail on commercial and exploratory missions that spanned the globe. The country’s coastal regions are also famed for their seafood. Brittany’s oysters, the Bouillabaisse of Provence, and Normandy’s mussels are just a few examples of how the sea has shaped the nation’s gastronomy.