408 sailors online

Baie de Kani-Kéli

Baie de Kani-Kéli

Anchorage in Boueni, Mayotte

-13, 45.1667
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Bar / Restaurant


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1 Reviews on “Baie de Kani-Kéli”

Overall rating
  • Matt

    A restaurant and a small nautical center have been established at Ngouja for tourists to explore the turtles and the drop-off.

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Mayotte was a bustling waypoint for Arab traders, who navigated the waters centuries ago, bringing with them goods, culture, and Islamic traditions that still influence the island today. These early traders used the reliable monsoon winds to sail their dhows, establishing Mayotte as a crucial link in the network of sea routes that connected East Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Read our Mayotte sailing guide to know more. The lagoon surrounding Mayotte is one of the largest and deepest in the world, and the annual migration of humpback whales is a spectacular event, where these gentle giants make their way to the warm waters of Mayotte to give birth and nurture their young.