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Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda - Best Ports, Anchorages, and Boatyards



Barbuda, Antigua’s sister isle, offers an enchanting contrast. This flat, coral island is known for its pink sand beaches and turquoise waters. Sailing around Barbuda reveals secluded coves and hidden lagoons. The Frigate Bird Sanctuary, located in the Codrington Lagoon, is a haven for bird watchers. Home to one of the largest colonies of frigate birds in the western hemisphere, it adds a unique wildlife encounter to your nautical journey.

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MapAntigua and BarbudaBarbuda
Antigua and Barbuda’s waters are rich with coral gardens and shipwrecks, inviting snorkelers and divers to discover an underwater wonderland. See Antigua and Barbuda sailing guide to know more. Cades Reef, on Antigua’s southwestern coast, is a snorkeling paradise of vibrant corals and exotic fishes. Enjoy freshly caught lobster grilled to perfection, accompanied by local specialties such as ducana and saltfish, all washed down with a refreshing rum punch.