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Tobago Cays Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Best Ports, Anchorages, and Boatyards



The Tobago Cays, a cluster of five small, uninhabited islands, is renowned for its crystal-clear waters, vibrant marine life, and the almost unworldly tranquility that pervades its atmosphere. A marine park since 1997, the cays offer a sanctuary for both marine biodiversity and those seeking respite from the modern world. Anchoring here is an immersion into an underwater wonderland ideal for snorkeling and diving. The only interruption is the gentle lapping of waves or the occasional splash from a playful turtle. As the sun sinks into the horizon, the sky becomes a canvas of fiery oranges and pinks, mirrored by the sea, enhancing the magical experience of anchorage here. At night, the lack of light pollution reveals a celestial spectacle above, with the Milky Way clearly visible, stretching across the sky.

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Many of “Pirates of the Caribbean” most iconic scenes were shot on these islands, transforming them into a temporary haven for Hollywood stars and crew. Local lore is peppered with tales of Johnny Depp wandering the beaches and interacting with the residents. Read St Vincent and the Grenadines sailing guide to know more. La Soufrière stratovolcano last erupted in 2021, you can hike through dense rainforest to its summit and watch into the crater. The volcano’s activity over the centuries has shaped the island’s terrain and even its agriculture, with the fertile volcanic soil producing an abundance of tropical fruits and spices.