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Iles de la Petite Terre Guadeloupe - Best Ports, Anchorages, and Boatyards


PORTS & ANCHORAGES IN Iles de la Petite Terre

Iles de la Petite Terre were once home to early settlers and pirates, who found refuge and fortune in their secluded bays. The ruins of an old lighthouse built in the 1840s, standing tall against the sky, offer a glimpse into the maritime history that shaped these islands. One of the most charming aspects of the Iles de la Petite Terre is the opportunity to swim with the resident lemon sharks, often spotted gliding gracefully through the shallow waters. Sea turtles are also frequent companions, often nesting on the beaches, and spotting them in the wild is a blessing. Conservation efforts ensure their protection, and sailors are often lucky enough to witness their gentle movements through the water. The islands are also a haven for seabirds, and it’s common to see frigatebirds and brown pelicans soaring overhead or diving into the sea for fish.

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Map ➪ Guadeloupe ➪ Iles de la Petite Terre
Composed of several islands, Guadeloupe is an enchanting archipelago shaped like a butterfly and divided into two main islands—Grande-Terre and Basse-Terre, and several smaller islands. Head over to the main Guadeloupe sailing guide to know more. The towering La Soufrière volcano stands as a majestic sentinel over the island, and the area is also known for its natural hot springs. Once a major center for sugarcane cultivation, the island’s sugar plantations have left a lasting mark on its cultural landscape.